Intercessory prayer for those afflicted by illness

Because the monastery of Lunden was founded from Lourdes, a place to which thousands of ill and suffering people make pilgrimages each year with hope of healing or new strength to live with their illness, we feel in a special way called to pray for those afflicted by illness.

The gospels describe in many passages how Jesus had compassion with the sick and healed them.
The signs that the Kingdom of God has drawn near in Jesus, are precisely linked to this: "the blind see again, the lame walk, those suffering from virulent skin-diseases are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, the good news is proclaimed to the poor" (Lk. 7:22). God does not want illness and suffering. And yet, none of us go through life without being confronted with these realities sooner or later, in one way or another. Why, is a mystery, just as it is a mystery why some are healed and others not. What we in all circumstances can do, is to carry the pain together with those who suffer, and lift it up to God.

St. Dominic was outstanding as father and consoler of the sick brethren and those who were undergoing trials (testimonies from the process of Bologna) and he bore sinners, the down-trodden and the afflicted in the inmost sanctuary of his compassion (cf. Jordan of Saxony's Libellus n. 12). Our intercession for the sick and suffering is thus a way for us to perpetuate his charism. The heartfelt compassion of Jesus and Dominic for those suffering from illness must also be ours.

We can think of the woman Jesus met in the area around Tyros and Sidon (Mt. 15:21-28; Mk. 7:24-30), who tirelessly interceded for her afflicted daughter - the woman who identified with the little dogs under the table. As Dominicans - Domini canes - "dogs of the Lord", we can maybe see in her a refletion of our own vocation and be inspired to follow her example?

You are welcome to send us your prayer intentions; 
e-mailaddress on the top of the page.