7 November: All Dominican Saints

"In a word, they loved God, they loved him truly, they loved him above all else, and they loved their neighbor as themselves and more than themselves. They had received in their hearts the ample wound that has made all the saints eloquent. In addition to this asset of a passionate soul, without which no orator has ever existed, the Friars Preachers also had great skill in grasping the kind of preaching which was suited to the time."  
(From the Treatise of Brother Henri-Dominique Lacordaire on the re-establishment of the Order of Preachers in France) 
"And this eighth centenary leads us to remember the men and women of Faith and Letters, of contemplatives and missionaries, martyrs and apostles of charity, who took God’s caress and tenderness everywhere, enriching the Church and showing new possibilities to incarnate the Gospel, through preaching, witness and charity: three pillars that guarantee the Order’s future, keeping the freshness of the foundational charism." 
(Pope Francis to Dominicans, 4 August 2016)

All Dominican Saints, pray for us!